Evolutionary.org Underground episode 3 – Oral steroids from Geneza Pharma Dragon Pharma Alpha Pharma

Check out the most underground podcast in the world, nobody talks about this stuff! Listen to Stevesmi and Ricky V Rock go over steroid topics. In this episode they talk about their love for various steroids, ancillaries, and orals.

1. Dragon Pharma
Cheque Drops- RickV talks about how hard cheque drops are to find
Methyl1testosterone- Is this stuff really worth it?
2. Alpha Pharma
Turinabol and Dianabol, how to stack both of these oral steroids
Oral Trenbolone
3. Geneza Pharma
GP Superdrol – What superdrol can do for you

Oral steroids

Learn more about oral steroids https://www.evolutionary.org/chapter-6
Discuss Oral tren https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/oral-tren-31853.html

for 1 on 1 coaching/consultation/source help requests hit up stevesmi https://www.elitefitness.com/forum/members/stevesmi.html https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/members/stevesmi.html

to follow along with RickyV
Follow Ricky on Social: http://www.rickyvrock.com
Follow Ricky and ask him anything: http://www.bigrickrock.com
Check out the Evolutionary Radio Podcast: https://www.evolutionary.org/podcasts
Check out the EliteFitness Podcast: https://www.elitefitness.com/articles/podcast

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