currently 315 lbs and I’m 5’11”
I’m a bigger guy my body fats probably around 25 to 30% but I’m strong in the gym
I’m looking to do a sarms stack and use something to help me cut down
I also want to conserve my strength so I don’t want to just cut down and lose all my strength in the process
do you think sarms would be a good idea and should I go with some gw501516 and ostarine?
I’m a bigger guy my body fats probably around 25 to 30% but I’m strong in the gym
I’m looking to do a sarms stack and use something to help me cut down
I also want to conserve my strength so I don’t want to just cut down and lose all my strength in the process
do you think sarms would be a good idea and should I go with some gw501516 and ostarine?