First time using tren, 25 years old. 5’6’’ and 165 pounds.
I’m dealing with 2 complaints on cycle.
1. energy down
2. low libido
things were not like this the first half of the cycle. It got bad during cycle though.
I’m on test cyp 200mgs a week, trenbolone 300mgs a week, and some proviron 25mgs...
I’ve heard some good things about using Deca and I’ve heard some not so good things
hoping you can give me some tips and advice when it comes to keeping my side effects at a minimum.
I’m currently going to plan on doing 300 mg a week of the DECA.
5’9’’ built stocky, 205 pounds. Looking to bulk...
what do you think about using test prop and anavar together?
How would you run them if you were to do them together for 8 weeks?
My thoughts are test prop 100mgs EOD
50mgs anavar ED
and then possible using some adex as well to blunt estrogen
my goals are lean muscle mass and strength
I’m 5’11”...
41, 6’, 185 pounds 17% bf
I've been doing nandrolone phenyl propionate NPP along with testosterone propionate and I'm 6 weeks into the cycle
I'm starting to really get some major side effects I wanted to ask you guys about. dealing with aggression, skin issues, and crazy libido increase which is...
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