I’m looking to try a bulking stack.
My steroid stack I was looking at were anadrol, dbol, and test prop. Maybe 8 weeks?
I’m 34 years old and I’m 5’7” 158 lb. Been lifting weights for the past 5 years very seriously but I’m definitely a hard Gainer and I have very small bone structure
would like...
I’m currently thinking of doing anadrol and testosterone during my bulk. Its a really good cycle From what I read online.
My plan is tentative but would like to see what I’m capable of doing.
My dosing is 50mgs a day anadrol and 300mgs a week test E.
would you change that based on my goals?
38 years old this will be the fifth cycle I’ve done I’m 218 lbs and 6’3”
I’m looking to do a cycle to harden up and also boost some of my muscle size.
This is why I am choosing a stack of anadrol, equipoise and perhaps winstrol.
What do you think about this stack?
50mgs a day anadrol
300mgs a...
Looking to do a quick 8 week cycle
want to go with anadrol, dbol and test prop all together
its gonna look like this:
anadrol 25mgs a day
dbol 20mgs a day
test prop 50mgs EOD injections
main goal is bulking and mass. I’m 156 pounds and 5’6’’. want to put on around 15 pounds.
How much AI will I...
I’m looking to do things a little bit different
so my strategy is going to be kick-starting and then finishing with an oral on this testosterone cycle.
My strategy looks like this:
testosterone 12 weeks 500mgs/week
4 weeks superdrol kickstart 20mgs a day
4 weeks anadrol 50mgs a day to finish
hey everyone, I’ve 5’6’’ and 180 pounds .. 27 years old
I’ve been blowing up on 50mgs a day of anadrol but I’m not that pleased with how I look.
An example is my muscles are getting bigger and stronger, but I’m also losing vascularity and my muscles are looking fluffy.
Any advice on how I can...
so I just ran an 8 week anavar cycle and didn’t get much results. Maybe a few pounds but nothing too crazy.
I want to switch to something that will give me more punch and get my results much better.
What do you think about using anadrol or dbol this time?
I will do eight weeks again and either...
I got a few packets of anadrol and plan on using it for 8 weeks at 50mgs a day. Gonna take the whole pill in the AM so I don’t forget :)
what else do you recommend I use along with it? I’m interested in perhaps don’t some testosterone or primo with it. Not sure if those pair well for someone who...
I’m looking for some more size and hardening to my physique
what would you use if you had to choose between using a 6 week and 8 week cycle?
My choices are down to mast prop, test prop, tren ace, and maybe anadrol or another oral
6’1’’ 180 pounds and 12% body fat, 30 years old
excited to try to...
What is the best overall steroid you love for pure muscle mass.
I don't care about strength and I don't care about Aesthetics at all. I'm not a bodybuilder I just want to get big
5'6 and 170 lb I like to get up to 200 but look like an absolute tan
I'm 28 years old and I'm interested in trying...
The more I read about dbol and anadrol the more it seems like they are very similar.
They are both cheap and both are good for bulking up and getting strong and big
What would you say are the differences in your own experiences if you wanted to run both of them?
my main dangers are I don't want...
I am a crossfit athlete Who trains up to five times a week
my strengths are my endurance and also my energy when I am training
however my weaknesses are my strength. I should be a lot stronger for someone who weighs 223 pounds but I am not compared to other people my weight or who weigh less...
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