I wanted to try something different and use sarms EOD instead of ED. Does this work for any of you out there or is that bs?
My plan:
lgd4033 20mgs EOD
GW501516 30mgs EOD
s4/andarine 100mgs EOD
My goals are lean muscle mass and more strength
I’m 50 yrs old and 5’9’ 201
or should I scratch...
21 years old and I’m 5’7” 158 lbs
I’m going to be putting together a sarms bulking stack.
The 3 sarms I had in mind:
s4 andarine 50mgs a day
s23 25mgs a day
ostarine mk2866 20mgs a day.
Gonna be doing 3000+ calories per day and 250g protein +
Any tricks to getting the most out of this stack?
seems like sarms all do similar things. Good for lean gains. Mild options, low sides etc.
I’m at a loss though when it comes to my next sarms stack which will be my 3rd.
I’m not sure if I should stack s4/andarine or ostarine mk2866 with my cycle of sr9009?
My goals are lean gains, more endurance...
mostly doing some CrossFit but I also weight training 2 or 3 times a week
my goal is recomp and more endurance and energy
I want to try stacking s4 50mgs a day and sr 25mgs per day total
how long should I be running this can I go 8 weeks or should I try to stretch for 12 weeks
my stats are 39...
currently 248 lbs and around 25% body fat in 29 years old
I’m 10 weeks into the current cycle and I’m doing s4/andarine 50mgs a day and some gw501516 at 20mgs a day.
These are standard dosing and I’m getting very standard results I’m not quite there with what I was expecting on this cycle.
I did steroids for about 12 weeks and put on about 15 or 20 lbs but it was a lot of water and fat.
Wasn’t happy with my physique and I’m looking for something that will bring me more lean gains this time and clean results.
My plan is s4/andarine 50mgs a day for 12 weeks. My question is how much...
a friend of mine let me borrow some of his S4 and you’re supposed to drink this stuff it tastes horrible by the way I don’t know how you guys use this because I feel nauseous after drinking it.
Anyway I’ve been dealing with a lot of vision issues on it and it really sucks because I like to go...
I’m looking to put together a couple good sarms that I can use on a lean bulk
the sarms I was most interested in are:
not sure which ones I should use in my situation.
I’m training five times a week and I’m doing both cardio and weight training.
I’m a six-foot tall 178 pounds and 9% body fat dude.
I love sarms but I am sort of bored after a few cycles using them. So far I have used lgd4033 and gw501516, used them solo and then used them a couple times stacked.
I’m looking to try something a little different to give me more action and...
30yrs old
150 pounds
I’m interested in boosting my strength and also interested in boosting my size
what do you think of stacking s4 andarine and ostarine mk2866 together?
A friend of mine suggested I also add in g w do you think that is worth it or not?
I’ve done sarm about four times now and I’ve always included a gw addition to it
this time I want to try something different if that is cool
looking to stack the following:
50mgs per day S4 andarine
25mgs ostarine mk2866
12 weeks
will this still help me lose fat? I’m 20% body fat and 5’9’’
I’m a smallish guy
135 pounds
Spent the great part of the past 3 years competing in endurance sports
Looking to switch to weight training now and building some muscle mass
These 3 seem like good sarms for building size together
What do you think about running all...
Hello i’m looking to hear some juicehead advice. Hoping monstro will chime in on this one and not dylan (no offense but you just don’t have his credentials on this) cuz I would like to know what he recommends for me
I’m a juicehead, been using steroids for 20 years. I’m now 38 years old and...
I’ve got some sarms questions i was hoping you could answer. Just watched like 4 of dylans videos and like 2 of the podcasts on sarms. Didn’t get enough answers i was looking for
Do i put sarms in the fridge or freezer?
Do i need to inject them or do i take them in the mouth and swallow?
Do they...
I ran Andarine S4 for 12 weeks
Was happy with my results but wasn’t happy about the vision side effects
I work as a truck driver and sometimes it was difficult driving especially around sunrise, sunset, and specially at night. I cannot take that chance Again by using it
what are some other sarms...
I have been using andarine S4 for 4 weeks and having vision issues
I would not recommend using this stuff and want to stop using it and switch to cardarine and s23 instead
My friend recommended i make the switch
Would it be okay to just stop the S4 cold turkey?
I’m looking to straight up recomp
I’m currently 28 years old, 58 kilos, 5 ft 6 in tall
I am skinny fat is how I would describe my body
Interested in stacking s4 andarine and cardarine gw
What kind of dosing would work best?
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