24 years old.
6’3’’ and 102kg
My goals are bulking and more appetite
I know that deca should be ran a long time but what about using NPP? Would 8 weeks be a good cycle if I wanted to try it out?
Was thinking of using it with sustanon and going with 300mgs of each per week total.
So the cycle...
I used steroids when I was in my late teens/early 20’s. Now I’m in mid late 30’s and almost 40. I’ve stayed natty because of the nature of how things have been in my life. Managed to build a physique being 6’2’’ and 208 pounds but I want to grow more without adding body fat.
Back in the day we...
I’m really excited about using proviron as my next cycle.
My dose I want to do is 50mgs a day for 8 weeks but I am not sure if that is a good idea?
I know it does a lot of good things
my cycle will look like this:
tren E 250mgs a week
deca 200mgs a week
proviron 50mgs a day
my goals are recomp...
deca seems to be the best bulking mild steroid out there.
I’ve already did equipoise and had decent results, but now I want to take things to the next level with deca. My plan right now is 14 weeks and 500mgs a week
I’m 39 yrs old, 198 pounds and 6’1’’. over the past 3 years I’ve put on about 20...
both my shoulders have been nagging me quite a bit over the past few months
I’m gonna take a break from going super heavy but I would like to use Deca to maybe give me a boost and strength in the meantime and maybe help heal my shoulders up.
My thoughts are doing 300 mg per week for 12 weeks and...
I’ve heard some good things about using Deca and I’ve heard some not so good things
hoping you can give me some tips and advice when it comes to keeping my side effects at a minimum.
I’m currently going to plan on doing 300 mg a week of the DECA.
5’9’’ built stocky, 205 pounds. Looking to bulk...
my last bulking stack I did deca and dbol and put on around 10 or 11 pounds net.
Would like to follow that up with another bulking stack.
I’m currently 175 lbs and 5’6” still around 10% body fat and I have room to bulk up and I’m 38 years old.
How would you do a 2nd bulking stack when not using...
I’m 28 years old and I’m looking to bulk up I’m 205 lbs and 6’4”
This will be my second cycle I’m looking to use testosterone and deca
my plan is 12 weeks and doing testosterone at around 400 mg a week and then stacking in Deca at around 300 mg a week\
what else would you recommend I use with...
30 years old. Using steroids off/on for 3 years and 95kg.
I work out at a pretty good gym and I would rank myself somewhere in the top 30% when it comes to being strong. The top 5% guys though in my gym can push some big weight.
I would like to get a strong as them. Currently I’m benching around...
I’m looking to boost my size massively
I used to be over 200 lbs at 5’6”
but I got away from weight training and I’ve lost a lot of weight and muscle mass since
I’m now down to 160 lbs
looking to hop back on
my plan is stacking all 3 big steroids
500mgs of deca
300mgs tren
500mgs of test E
32 years old and I’m 186 pounds and close to six foot tall with a lean build
I’m looking to keep side effects at a minimum but also get some good bulking effects on my next cycle
I’ve never run three steroids at one time I’ve only done one or two at a time.
My cycle idea was this:
I’m looking to do a stack with tren E and deca together.
The dosing I was looking for is 500mgs deca and 400mgs tren.
I know it’s a pretty big stack but I’m a pretty big dude and I’m 248 pounds and 6’4’’ and 52 years old
in a biker gang and I want to just get stronger and more intimidating...
so I’m 37 years old and already getting bald.
I know that steroids can cause baldness but I was willing to take the chance
after two straight years of using them my hair has really not been able to grow back
I’m hoping you give me some recommendations on my next stack that will be more hair...
goal is bulking of course
I’m 5’6’’ and 183 pounds. 15% body fat and 33 years old
I’m looking to use some EQ and deca, 500mgs of each. They are both excellent steroids and bulkers and I have a lot of respect for them.
My plan is this:
500mgs for 12 weeks
question is should I add either anadrol...
So I did a 20 week cycle the end of last year and I put on a lot of bulk maybe too much.
I did testosterone and I did Deca together. Put on about 20 pounds and I’m not too pleased about my fluffy look.
Would like to cut down on my next cycle and this time I want to use Primo.
My thoughts are...
looking to do a pure bulker with deca. However Much I gain it’s cool with me whether it be five pounds or 20 pounds but I definitely am looking to bulk up.
Currently 78kg and 5’10’’ 27 years old.
My plan is this:
deca 500mgs a week
sustanon 250mgs a week
I’m open to adding some dbol too maybe...
I’m looking to put on five or ten pounds and do a moderate bulk. I don’t want to do anything to drastic that will cause me to really gain a lot of weight fast.
I’m 25 years old and this will be the second time I’ve tried steroids the last cycle I put on about 20 pounds and I had really bad...
I’m six foot two and 235 pounds
looking to drop down to 210 pounds and get leaner. I know that semaglutide kills cravings so here I had about 25 ounces of steak along with potatoes today ahead of it.
My plan is to use .25mg dosage subQ.
Question is I’m reading about weekly vs. daily dosing...
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