it just got my numbers back in my total AST and ALT are over 100.. not good.
Coming off a big oral cycle that I did
I need to get them back down.
What are the best supplements to rapidly get this taken care of? UG Supplements 18 - Comparing N2Guard to other Organ Liver support
I did an oral cycle for 12 weeks and I got my blood work done in my liver numbers are very bad
AST and ALT were high.
I’ve now been off for about 6 weeks and my numbers are still bad and I’m getting a little worried that they may not come back to normal
What kind of supplements do you recommend... UG Supplements 16 - [2024] Dangers to Liver and Kidneys from oral steroids
hello everybody I'm looking for something that can help with my heart health and also with my liver issues
my numbers are elevated my doctor said they aren't that bad where I need to get on any sort of medication or need surgery but he said that I need to improve them over the next few months or...
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