I’m looking to do a 10 week cycle using test and masteron together.
My stack would look like this initially but I’m open to changes when it comes to length and dosing if you can lend your opinions:
masteron 250mgs 2x per week
test prop 500mgs per week (split into 3 injections)
I’m 42 years old...
goal is to compete in summer of 2025
current stats are 7.5% body fat, 5’9’’ and around 176 pounds, and I’m 24.
I’m looking to use masteron and trenbolone for my pre contest run.
Should I start the tren really early or wait till I am about 10 weeks out? Also I’ve heard some guys like to stop the...
I’m 38 years old 5’11” and 210 lbs
I’m gonna set a goal to recomp.
I want to gain some lean mass and cut down body fat at the same time.
What would be your recommendation when it comes to recomping and dosing them?
Should I run the test and masteron at the same dose? Or should I run the masteron...
so I decided to do blast and cruise now that I’m 35 years old and I’m really committed to the gym it’s my life
I don’t think I missed a work out in at least 4 years
So my cruising dose is around 200 mg a week of testosterone and I like to blast some equipoise on top of it along with maybe some...
So I’ve been using steroids for about 4 or 5 years now and I’ve used probably 6 or 7 different ones because I like experimenting
I’m 24 years old and I’ve noticed oddly enough that when I’m using masteron and primo my libido drops the most. But when I use things like test, tren or anadrol.. the...
how would you add masteron to this current stack to finish things.
Currently on test E, dbol and want to add a little something to finish things off.
Masteron 500mgs a week was what I was looking at
my test dose is 200mgs a week and my dbol is 20mgs a day
I’m 47 years old, 5’11’’ 193 pounds. I...
I’m looking to really shred up on this next cycle.
I’m 26, 5’10’’ and 210 pounds with 14% body fat
The steroid stack I am most interested in is going to be tren and adding a cutter as well.
My thoughts are tren 300mgs a week +
Masteron 500mgs a week
Winstrol 40mgs a day
what would be...
I’m looking to do some cutting steroids and see the effects they have on building lean muscle mass. I’m in my late 20’s and 5’10’’ and 210 pounds. Around 18% body fat.
My plan is using masteron, winstrol and equipoise like this:
masteron 500mgs a week
EQ 500mgs a week
winstrol 25mgs a day
A 28 years old and I’m 5’10” 216 lbs
I’ve used both tren ace and tren E. now I’m ready to graduate to different types of tren
what should I go with next? There is tri-tren and tren hex options available. Also they sell blends that really work well.
Would 8 weeks be a good cycle and if so how...
What are your thoughts on using trenbolone and masteron together for maximum benefits?
I’m currently in my late 20s and I’m 5’11’’ and 183 pounds
looking good for the beach is my goal.
I’m thinking of running it like this:
250mgs tren ace for 5 weeks, increasing to 300mgs for 6 more weeks...
Okay so I’m on a little dilemma situation. I’m 28 years old and currently stuck at 200 lbs and I’m 5’6” the problem is if I try to increase my body weight I’m also increasing my body fat and I don’t want to do that.
This is where steroids are going to help me I think.
I’m aiming to do some...
Hi everyone.
I’m 6’2’’ 190 pounds and 15% body fat. 33 years old.
How would you run testosterone and masteron together?
I’m looking to use them for a nice cutting stack and get some lean muscle mass gains.
My first instinct is to do testosterone at 500 mg a week and then do the masteron at...
Hola my friends. I am Juan and my goals are to compete next year in my first competition.
34 yrs old and 202 pounds 6’2’’
I’m putting together my competition cycle
it’s going to be a mix of Primo, EQ, and masteron.
My dosing is gonna be 1500mgs TOTAL of all 3. I’m gonna aim for 500mgs of each...
looking to combine cutting and bulking. Never really believed in recomping I don’t think it fits the way my body is and the way my genetics are set up.
Having said that I would like to cut on my cycle and then bulk up going into the close of it.
My plan is this:
cut down on anavar, masteron and...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #75 - Best bodyfat to use Masteron, why? Euro Pharma
first time doing tren. Been using steroids for the past 4 years. All my friends say I should not use tren because its too harsh. Well I don’t care, would like to do a show next year and everyone I compete against is on trenbolone so I gotta do it too.
I’m six foot two and 230 pounds and I’m...
So I’m planning on taking a little vacation in 12 weeks and I would like to put together a steroid cycle ahead of it.
My plans are 250mgs of test and 400mgs of primo. I want to look GOOD on my trip.
I’m wondering what you thought about using masteron prop vs. masteron E ahead of my beach...
did 10 weeks of tren at 250mgs a week. 22 years old.
Ran some test and masteron with it but not too much.
Anyway things were good on cycle and then I did pct and its been about 5 weeks since and I am dealing with anxiety and social issues around people.
Its like on tren I was one way and now I...
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