30 years old,
3rd cycle.
15% body fat. Goal is 10% body fat.
205 pounds and 6’2’’
my next equipoise cycle is gonna be 300mgs a week and I want to use some orals with it as well.
My plan is this:
12 weeks EQ 300mgs a week
then I would like to add atleast 1 oral. Either anavar or winstrol would be...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #86 - Orals Line from Ultima Pharma
Evolutionary.org Underground 38 - Best orals for Powerlifting with Geneza Pharma
Evolutionary.org Underground 37 - Orals only vs Injectables only Cycles with Geneza Pharma
37 years old and I’m five foot 11 ...218 pounds
looking to put on some lean muscle mass
so right now I have testosterone, equipoise and primo.
These are my three basic steroids that I plan to use as my injectables and run for 12 weeks
I’m going to do 250 to 300 milligrams of each per week so...
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