looking to do a recomp using both winstrol and trenbolone.
What would be the best way to run something like this?
I’m 5’10’’ and 180 pounds 12% body fat
I’m thinking going with this:
tren 250mgs 2x a week
test prop 100mgs 2x a week
winstrol 100mgs EOD.
Good stack or change something?
everyone wants to either bulk up or cut lol. Nobody wants to recomp anymore.
I’m 50 years old and there is nothing like a nice recomp. Burning fat while gaining muscle is the best.
Want to use sarms to help me accomplish it. Right now I am 260 pounds and 25% body fat but I’m strong.
Wanted to go...
my next cycle I want to do recomping. Its going to be trenbolone, 200mgs a week with anavar 25mgs a day and maybe something else. I can’t decide what else to stack with it between maybe some primo or testosterone? But I don’t want to screw up the cycle or cause more sides.
I’m 40 years old and...
33, 5th cycle in 5 years. 220 pounds and 6’2’’
Seen a lot of guys using this stack lately for recomping. Rather then running the tren HIGH, they are using primo HIGH and the tren low.
So my plan is this:
tren 200mgs a week tren E
Primo 600mgs a week.
Its more expensive this way but it is...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #104 - Ultima recomping steroid options for late summer
I’m looking to stack some lgd and gw together on my next cycle. 174 pounds and 6’1’’
currently in my early 20’s and my goal is recomping
my friend said to run GW 30mgs a day and run LGD atleast 50mgs
he said that is what he did on his last cycle
should I follow the same strategy?
5/8’’ 27y, 177 pounds
training for 6 years and steroid use for 3 years
my next tren cycle is gonna be 600mgs a week. Last go I went 400mgs and the sides weren’t that bad.
This time would love to run more steroids with the tren
I’m thinking winstrol or masteron would work good, how about 50mgs...
did 8 week bulker with tren and dbol .. had good results but now I want to recomp.
Gonna keep tren on this next cycle for 12 weeks but try adding in some anavar instead.
What do you think about using 50 milligrams of anavar and 250mgs of tren ace? Do you think these 2 steroids would work good...
27, let myself get out of shape. I’m 228 pounds and 6’1’’
I’m looking to run 3 sarms that will be good for recomping
my choices are:
the dosing I was thinking of doing would be yk and GW at 15mgs a day and the S4 at 25mgs a day
looking to lose around 2% body fat. I will eat in a 750c...
What is up homies? I’m 38 years young and 166 pounds and 5’8’’
I’m around 14% body fat. Would like to cut to 11% and gain about 10-15 pounds
I’ve got a couple options when it comes to using tren for recomping
tren + masteron + tbol
tren + winstrol + dbol
which one would you choose?
So I’m interested in stacking deca and masteron
heard that is a great recomping stack
deca for bulk, masteron for cutting and hardening
now from there how much test should I run?
Heard testosterone is good at 200mgs or more for bulking.
I’m 25 years old this will be my third cycle I’m 208 pounds...
I'm ready to try Trenbolone for the first time after five years of steroid experience
35 years old
5 ft 7 in and about 184 lb
would like to get up over 200 lb but I want to stay low body fat
My plan is:
Trenbolone 50mgs ED, tren ace
testosterone propionate same dosage
and then maybe adding in...
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