This might be a shot in the dark as I’ve done a lot of research on this and it seems like there’s a lot of mixed opinions but when it comes to using steroids and cycling them is there any foolproof scheme that you can put together to help with acne that will save you or is this something that...
I just joined a new gym which changed owners and got renovated. They are grandfathering in prior members at a low price of $19 per month so I decided to keep my membership. The new owner is a prior powerlifter and that is the theme of the gym and a lot of people are quitting to go somewhere...
I have some pre-existing health issues this is why I don’t want to go to steroid route
instead I would like to try sarms
my stats are 5’8’’ and 158 pounds and I’m 58 years old.
my issues were I had a stroke about 5 years ago, stayed in the hospital about 4 days then was released.
Also I am a...
I used steroids when I was in my late teens/early 20’s. Now I’m in mid late 30’s and almost 40. I’ve stayed natty because of the nature of how things have been in my life. Managed to build a physique being 6’2’’ and 208 pounds but I want to grow more without adding body fat.
Back in the day we...
I’m 38 years old and I’m approximately 215 lbs and I’m 6’1”
I’m getting ready to run trenbolone for the 3rd time. But its been a few years so I need some updated tips/advice and your recommendations lol
first time I did 150mgs a week, 2nd time I did 600mgs a week. Sides were brutal never doing...
I’m looking to do some of a cutting stack but also recomposition would work great
I’m 52 years old and I weigh around 195 lbs and I’m 12% body fat
my thinking is using masteron enanthate for 12 weeks
would like to stack test and EQ with it.
My plan is this:
test 200
EQ 400
Masteron 200-500mgs...
I’m 5’10” 218 lbs and around 16% body fat and I’m 38 years old
I’m looking to do something that will give me some heavy volume training ability on my next steroid stack
I’ve heard good things about equipoise and some guys running it around 800 mg a week because it really boosts your red blood...
I had a question I’m about to start a 12 weeks steroid cycle and I need some advice
when it comes to support supplements do you feel the need to use them and what would you rank the need from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest need and one being you don’t really need them?
I’m gonna be using tren...
I’m looking to do some cutting steroids and see the effects they have on building lean muscle mass. I’m in my late 20’s and 5’10’’ and 210 pounds. Around 18% body fat.
My plan is using masteron, winstrol and equipoise like this:
masteron 500mgs a week
EQ 500mgs a week
winstrol 25mgs a day
12... Underground 41 - What feeling big feels like? products to bulk using Geneza Pharma
26 yrs old and this is the first time using steroids. currently 202 lbs and I’ve only gained 2 lbs net since I started this cycle
I’ve been on anavar for 4 weeks at 40mgs a day
I’m doing 10mg tabs 2 of them 2x a day. Would you recommend I increase the dose up to 80 mg or do I start adding other... Hardcore 2.0 #100 [SPECIAL] - The history and favorite episodes 100 Special
want to cut down while also building lean muscle mass
my plan is eating 1000 calories less and getting rid of sugar and all sweets. Will follow a keto style of diet, lots of beef, chicken and eggs.
My steroid stack I want to do is test cyp 500mgs a week and 250mgs of equipoise 12 weeks.
Thoughts... Hardcore 2.0 #98 - Why some steroids make you 'feel on' from Euro Pharma Hardcore 2.0 #97-When is it best to start using PEDs by Euro Pharma
I’m 50 years old and I’ve been using steroids for the past 10 years but I’ve been blasting and cruising for the past 2 years
what are going to be the best supplements I can run while on blasting steroids to reduce side effects?
My main concern is high red blood cell count and high AST/ALT.
I got put on trt and I’m 38 years old I’ve been on it for the past 2 months. 255 pounds and 6’2’’
not seeing enough changes so far I would like to add some steroids to my trt
my plan is TRT for 12 weeks then using a steroid cycle for 15 weeks
the 2 steroids I wanted to use are trenbolone and...
40 years old and this is the second time I’ve used steroids but the first time I’ve done injectables.
I’m about 80 kg and 5’8”
been on primo 500mgs a week for 6 weeks out of 12 weeks. Also doing trt 125mgs a week test cyp.
Not seeing much effects on this cycle at all. I want to switch things up... 611 - Ross Patrick (Ross Flanigan) steroid cycle
So I got married 2 months ago and I’m wondering how steroids can affect libido as my wife is very demanding and she wants it on a daily basis.
I’m about to start my first cycle and it’s going to be testosterone 500 mg a week
what has been your experience with this and if something goes wrong...
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