I’m looking for some results using deca and sustanon together.
My deca stack is 400mgs a week
sustanon 500mgs a week
plan on splitting them up into 2 injections and doing half/half MON/THUR injections.
I’m 50 years old and my joints are killing me. Knees, elbows, shoulders. All of them are no...
Looking to do my biggest stack ever!
Its going to be 3 steroids.
Sustanon 1000mgs a week
eq 750mgs a week
deca 600mgs a week.
Goal is bulking up. I’m currently 200 lbs and 6’3” and around 12% body fat and I’m 40 years old
this will be my third cycle ever
What do you think about this stack and...
24 years old.
6’3’’ and 102kg
My goals are bulking and more appetite
I know that deca should be ran a long time but what about using NPP? Would 8 weeks be a good cycle if I wanted to try it out?
Was thinking of using it with sustanon and going with 300mgs of each per week total.
So the cycle...
I’m in my early 30s and never used steroids before aside from pro hormones back in my 20’s.
Excited to try steroids for the first time and I’m looking to put on some good mass and bulk up. Reading and looking at some physiques I seem to be persuaded to do a test and dbol stack
my plan is 400mgs...
my last bulking stack I did deca and dbol and put on around 10 or 11 pounds net.
Would like to follow that up with another bulking stack.
I’m currently 175 lbs and 5’6” still around 10% body fat and I have room to bulk up and I’m 38 years old.
How would you do a 2nd bulking stack when not using...
This is my third cycle and I’m 6’2” 180 lbs and about 10% body fat
my goals are to Recomp further
looking to put together a long 15 week cycle
I’m looking to mix sustanon and equipoise in the same syringe
in total I would like to do 500 mg of sustanon and 600mgs of equipoise.
How would you dose...
I’m looking to get some opinions on my next 12 week cycle.
50 years old, 5’10’’ built good, nice size.
Looking to expand my horizons and get bigger.
Deca 200mgs 2x per week
sustanon 500mgs, once a week
proviron 50mgs a day
nolvadex 50mgs a day
clomid 100mgs a day
tribulus 2000mgs a day...
30 years old. Using steroids off/on for 3 years and 95kg.
I work out at a pretty good gym and I would rank myself somewhere in the top 30% when it comes to being strong. The top 5% guys though in my gym can push some big weight.
I would like to get a strong as them. Currently I’m benching around...
5’10’’ 190 pounds and 14% body fat, 33yrs old
I’m putting Together the longest cycle I’ve ever done
previously the longest I’ve done was 12 weeks but this one I’m gonna push for 16 weeks
my plan is 500mgs of sustanon and 600mgs of EQ. I’m using 300mg/ml EQ and 250mgs/ml sust so it will be 1 CC...
looking to do a pure bulker with deca. However Much I gain it’s cool with me whether it be five pounds or 20 pounds but I definitely am looking to bulk up.
Currently 78kg and 5’10’’ 27 years old.
My plan is this:
deca 500mgs a week
sustanon 250mgs a week
I’m open to adding some dbol too maybe...
So I’m looking to do a cycle where I’m getting lean gains only
don’t want any bloat and don’t want the moon face
I’m 48 years old and I weigh approximately 220 pounds and I’m six foot two
how much Primo and how much sustanon would you recommend I use on this cycle?
looking to do my first cycle
I’m 26 years old and I’m around 170 pounds. 5’7’’
tight waist and thicker build
want to add more lean mass. Would sustanon be good or should I go with Primo and test?
I’m training 4x per week and I usually go 45-55 minutes per session with 20 sets
what tips would you...
I’m 225 lbs and around 17 percent body fat
I want to use steroids and I’m 45 years old
never used them before
I’ve always had this sort of dad bod going and I think if I use steroids I would get more leaner and get more muscles
what do you think about using sustanon 1000mgs a week with some...
Here is a cycle nobody has ever talked about that i will be trying
Its sustanon 2x per week 1CC. So 500mgs total
Adding in primobolan 600mgs a week!
Its not a cheap cycle but i want to put on quality muscle mass.
Currently 170 lbs and 5’7’’ 15% body fat
My end goal is to get to 180 and keep the...
I am looking to do a bulking stack and increase my appetite.
this one supposed to be one of the best ones you could do. My source did not have test cyp or E in stock but suggested sustanon instead
Would 500mgs of sustanon and deca be good? if so what would be the ratio I would need to run deca...
I’m 25 years old, 5’11’’ and 155 pounds. Don’t tell me not to use steroids cause you all use them so that would be hypocritical :P
My plan is to do a classic old school bulker stack. Read online you can put on 30 pounds on this one
Its gonna be deca durabolin 600mgs a week, sustanon 1000mgs a...
I’m doing 500mgs of sustanon and 400mgs of deca durabolin
It's a classic bulker cycle. I'm in the fifth week and wow things are really kicking in nicely and my strength is really going up. I especially can tell the difference in my legs and my legs are growing like weeds
my one complaint though...
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