my next cycle I am going to mix test E and either anavar or tbol.
First cycle was test only. Gained about 15 pounds, from 205lbs up to 220 pounds. I’m 30 years old. It was easy to put on a lot of size and strength but I want to cut down a little bit on this one and get some hardening effects as...
38 years old and I’m 218 lbs and 6’3”
I’m looking to take something ahead of my workouts to give me a little bit of a boost
my cycle is currently testosterone and equipoise and I’m doing 300 mg of each for 12 weeks
I’m a couple weeks into the cycle and I’m not seeing them kick in yet and I know...
looking to do a mild stack this time and aiming for equipoise and tbol together
47, I’m currently 5’10’’ and 180 pounds and 12% body fat
the EQ I want to do is 500mgs a week and 20mgs a day of tbol but I’m open to suggestions.
what would be your recommendation to use both?
My base cycle is going to be 500 mg of testosterone and then 250 mg of Primo.
I’m 5’7” 180 lbs in about 9% body fat and I’m looking to really get my physique to the next level where I can possibly compete down the line.
Oral steroids are pretty cool to use but I want to run them 8 weeks to get...
I’m looking for some quality gains on my next cycle.
I’ve got some pretty modest stats I’m 30 years old and I’m around 85 kilograms and I’m around six foot one
my main goals here are to get lean quality Mass
the cycle I put together looks like this:
tbol 50mgs a day
test cyp 400mgs a week
12... Hardcore 2.0 #69 - Tbol and Winstrol 2024 with Para Pharma
What would you pick if you had to choose between winstrol or tbol to use with testosterone?
I’ve always used testosterone at 300mgs a week in my cycles. I’m looking to do a LEAN bulk if that makes sense. I want vascularity.
I’m gonna do 50mgs of either winstrol or tbol. I’ve never used either...
Looking to run turinabol for 8 weeks solo. Not a lot of information That I can see of anyone using it. As a male would it be worth it because I know that females used to run it a lot in the old days for the Olympics.
Was thinking about 50 milligrams a day for eight weeks and then a light pct...
I’m looking to run testosterone enanthate on my next cycle. Looking to do 500mgs a week and some tbol with it.
How much tbol would be My appropriate for someone who’s 26 years old and this is only my second cycle.
I’m looking to put on lean muscle mass, I’m 5 foot 10 and 202 pounds
I’m interested in using turinabol and testosterone.
Heard both of these would be good for a newbie.
I’m five foot 11
216 pounds and I’m 35 years old
what would be the best dosage for a first cycle?
I’m looking to do a winter cycle
I’m in my early 30’s and I am around 200 pounds and 5’9’’ 12% bf
looking to recomp
friend suggested this:
Equipoise 800mg
testosterone 150 milligrams
both 16 weeks
tbol 30mgs per day
then a pct for 4 weeks nolva 20mgs per day
my diet is perfect and it will be...
If tbol Is going to suppress my natural testosterone production in my required to use testosterone during the cycle?
If I don’t use testosterone what are the worst side effects that can happen
aside from not having any estrogen conversion what could go wrong here and should I be using things...
Looking to do a light cycle of EQ and turinabol tbol
I’m looking at 400mgs a week of the EQ with 30mgs a day of tbol
Its gonna be 12 weeks
My question is when do i add in tbol? Just first 6 weeks or can i run it the whole way?
I’m 55 years old. Training for 12 years and 208 pounds 6’3’’
I’m looking to use tbol solo
Not sure on dosing there
Seems to be all over the place. I’ve seen as long as 5mgs a day up to 125mgs a day. doesn't make sense that the variation could be so large
but maybe it's because it's by body weight or something like that.
full disclosure I am a tiny guy and...
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