Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #135- Top Training and Nutrition 'Bro science' myths by Euro Pharma
I’ve been dealing with heart palpitations when I train
before you tell me go see a doctor I already did
I saw both my GP and I saw a cardiologist and they said that it’s not thing to be worried about but they said that I need to build a stronger heart
I’m going to continue my cardio and my...
I’m going through a mid life crisis. I just left my wife and kids because I got tired of being a father and tired of being a husband and I didn’t want to do it anymore.
Decided to go on my own and do my own thing and be independent.
One of the things I’ve gotten into is weight training and this...
I’m 5’10” 218 lbs and around 16% body fat and I’m 38 years old
I’m looking to do something that will give me some heavy volume training ability on my next steroid stack
I’ve heard good things about equipoise and some guys running it around 800 mg a week because it really boosts your red blood...
Looking for the best supplement to help me switch to high energy training going forward
really excited to see what my body is capable of if I really push things
looking to do more volume and get in at least 20 sets per session
need something to take pre-workout give me some ideas please
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #107 - Pre-exhaustion/intensifying training by Euro Pharma
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #105 - Too much or too little training volume by Euro Pharma
I’m currently 6’2” and I’m 170 lbs very lean build and skinny
I’m in my early 20s and I’m currently training five times a week
my main issue is appetite
I’ll wake up in the morning and I’ll have a Pop Tart and then I won’t want to eat any more for a while
what are your tips when it comes to...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #101 - Using Geneza Pharma gear based on different training strategies
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #99 - Para Pharma presents keys to target setting and strength
I am new to weight training and I’ve been doing it for 2 weeks now
so far I’m very sore after each workout
would like to take a supplement that can help with the soreness and also helped me improve faster
I’m in my early 20s and I’m excited to get deep into this
I’m getting some insane pumps using 50 milligrams a day of anavar.
Please help me because it’s affecting my training in the gym and it’s also affecting my cardio especially lower back pumps and leg pumps.
I’m 44 years old I’m 208 pounds and I’m six foot two. This is my fourth week on it and I...
I’m doing more high intensity type of training instead of doing low repetition heavyweight
a typical workout for me is going to be 30 minutes of high intensity cardio then circuit training with weights and then doing another 15 minutes of high intensity cardio
which steroids do you think would...
I’ve suffered from back problems since I was a teenager
very frustrating because it affects my workouts and my weight training
do you have any advice on using sarms to help with the back?
I’m looking for something to help repair things for me
I’m 44 years old and very tall 6 foot 8 inches
I’m looking to use sarms to help with pre-training Boost. I’m currently 32 years old and my training just isn’t the way it used to be. A wife and two kids and definitely a lot more responsibility than 10 years ago when I first use Peds.
My thoughts were taking sarms 1-2 hours pre workout
has anyone ever experienced joint cracking when they are training
I noticed when I am doing workouts where I'm using my knees a lot that I hear some cracking and some movement that is a little weird
I'm concerned that maybe it has something to do with joints and that sort of thing
do you have...
I’m 45 years old and started to weight train 3 years ago. So I started at a really late age
never even considered using anabolic steroids and only knew of them from movies like Rocky when the russian guy used them in boxing. a friend of mine said he got on them a year ago and he's really made a...
I'm currently training four times a week and I am doing a modified 4-day split which is pretty much a 3-day split with a fourth day added for maintenance
I would like something not only that will help me with my lifts but also with my recovery
my friend recommended I take creatine but I don't...
I was curious what people are using these days to supplement with while they train and all that?
I’m looking for an edge while i train and to impress girls at the gym. I’m only 21 and train at my school
Which sarms would work best for a straight cut?
I'm currently 270 lb and I would like to drop about 30 to 40 lb
I'm 46 years old and I've been training for the past 6 months but not seeing much progress
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