I need some help.
Me and my buddy decided to get on a sarm stack we’ve been training together for the past few months and decided to sort of race each other.
He’s 23 and I’m 24 and we both are around 200 lbs but he is 5’7” and I’m 5’10”.
we both have been on gw501516 and lgd4033. Running similar doses. 20Mgs of each. Its been 4 weeks he is already seeing good results and I’m not I wonder if I have inferior genetics? Do you think I should increase my dose or keep it the same?
Me and my buddy decided to get on a sarm stack we’ve been training together for the past few months and decided to sort of race each other.
He’s 23 and I’m 24 and we both are around 200 lbs but he is 5’7” and I’m 5’10”.
we both have been on gw501516 and lgd4033. Running similar doses. 20Mgs of each. Its been 4 weeks he is already seeing good results and I’m not I wonder if I have inferior genetics? Do you think I should increase my dose or keep it the same?