Evolutionary.org 484 The healing compounds Nutrobal MK-677 and Thymosin TB500.

Evolutionary radio presents another exciting podcast. Host Stevesmi is joined by co-host Rick . Totally raw and unfiltered, this time they answer all questions sent in by you guys and gals. They cover a bunch of topics on steroids, diet, working out, and relationships:
Ths is a fun episode where they go back in time and rehash two older episodes
1. What is Nutrobal MK-677
2. History of use
3. Things to watch out for
4. Use of steroid and ideas
5. How to stack and sides


1. TB500- should I try this?
2. History of TB500
3. how does TB500 help us in fitness?
4. How to stack and sides – What dosages do people use?



where/how to get bloodwork> https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/source-talk/bloodwork-private-md-5695.html
for 1 on 1 coaching/consultation/source help requests hit up stevesmi



to follow along with RickyV
Follow Ricky on Social: http://www.rickyvrock.com/

Follow Ricky and ask him anything: http://www.bigrickrock.com/

Check out the Evolutionary Radio Podcast: https://www.evolutionary.org/podcasts/

Check out the EliteFitness Podcast: https://www.elitefitness.com/articles/podcast

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