Evolutionary.org Underground 14 Get Ripped with Trenbolone and Anavar Geneza Pharma

In this Evolutionary.org Underground Podcast episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den discuss Tren and Anavar using Geneza products

• What using Tren is really like – Stevesmi tells all
• Why Mobster loves Anavar and how he uses it
• Why the Tren and Var combo is so effective
• The awesome feedback for Geneza products including their Tren & Anavar
• Mobster talks about putting together a strength training program using Geneza Tren and Anavar
• Stevesmi discusses doing a great recomp using the same Geneza product (including why you do need to keep both the nutrition and cardio on point)
• How they would both dose similar amounts and yet program for different results
• Side effects (trensomnia and var pumps) and handling them
• Why you might wanna test how you feel on Tren and why using a shorter ester version could help if you have issues
• Cycle and dosing layouts and more


Link to threads
1. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/geneza-pharma-anavar-good-80103.html

2. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/geneza-pharma-ship-europe-80141.html

3. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/genezapharmaceuticals-reviews-community/

4. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/primobolan-geneza-pharma-80766.html

5. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/geneza-excellent-85217.html#post1258266

For 1-on-1 coaching/consultation/source help requests hit up Stevesmi



Where to get blood tests: https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/source-talk/bloodwork-private-md-5695.html

Search for #coachedbymobster on Instagram

Link to article: https://www.evolutionary.org/get-ripped-with-trenbolone-and-anavar-geneza-pharma/

Please note we’re not doctors and the opinions are ours. It’s our view and is based on our experience and views on the topic. Our Podcasts are for informational purposes and entertainment only. The Freedom of speech and 1st amendment applies.

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