I noticed some of you on here like to jump down peoples throats. Some of the mods are cool, but some aren’t so cool. I’m sure everyone knows who i am talking about lol
My plan is To blast and cruise for the next year and a half. I'm going to be completely dedicated to my training and diet
I'm 24...
My doctor put me on testosterone replacement therapy 6 months ago. he has me come in for blood work as well and is requiring it every 3 months to keep my prescription. I would like to add equipoise around 600 mg a week but I might bump it up to 800 mg
my full stats are 38 years old and 13% body...
Looking for 3rd cycle options
First cycle I did testosterone only. then the second cycle I did testosterone and then added an oral. this time I would like to do something different and take either equipoise or tren
My plan is 300mgs of tren or 500mgs of EQ. those seem to be the best dosages. My...
What do you think about mixing equipoise and winstrol in the same cycle?
Do you think it would be a good one for lean bulking if i want to put on like 5-10 pounds that way?
I’m currently 5’9’’ and 203 pounds with 18% body fat
I’m 49 years old
Haven’t used steroids in about 3 years but before i...
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