They told me to come on here and ask dylan gaymelli for help. Don’t see him posting today Or replying to my messages so I'm disappointed I thought he was a nice guy they told me
I’m currently 65kg and training for the past 6 years. I’m 27 years old
My goals are to build more quality muscle mass...
I am finishing up an 8-week cycle where I did lgd4033 30mgs EOD
I had some excellent results and I think I'm in the best shape of my life overall
I'm 32 years old and I am 5'8 in 178 lb and I have lean body fat
I'm looking to try something this time a little different once the cycle is over...
This is the first time I've used sarms before and I am taking them on a daily basis
my strategy has been doing both cardarine gw501516 10mgs per day with sr9009 20mgs a day total
getting some really good and clean results. my main strategy has been working out in the morning fasted. I have cut...
I’m a really big guy and not ashamed to say it
I weigh close to 200kg. I would like to lose about 30 to 50 kg over the next year
I think that sarms would be a good option for me but not sure how to run them exactly
What dosage would work best if you stack ostarine mk2866 and cardarine gw ?
I was...
I ran Andarine S4 for 12 weeks
Was happy with my results but wasn’t happy about the vision side effects
I work as a truck driver and sometimes it was difficult driving especially around sunrise, sunset, and specially at night. I cannot take that chance Again by using it
what are some other sarms...
a friend of mine just did sarms and i was amazed how much results he got
he told me that he did a 50 mg by 50 mg cycle. what he did was stack lgd4033 and he did some rad 140 as well
he did them both at 50 mg a day which is a really high dosage compared to what you guys on here recommend. however...
Just finished my cycle of sarms
I did gw cardarine and sr9009 together for 8 weeks
Started out 230 pounds, 25 years old. 6’2’’ 22% body fat approximately
I ate solid diet
Did daily cardio and 3x per week weight training
I don’t look like i lost weight during this stretch oddly enough
Looks like...
I’m 23 years old
And was interested in using s23 because It's supposed to be the strongest arm
well I also heard that it wasn't good for me to take cuz I was young. Can you give me any explanations to why it is bad to take it but it's okay to take other sarms. I feel like people are just saying...
I know that mk677 nutrobal is the best thing for appetite
my friend used it and said it work really well
if I were to do 25 mg of it what else would I stack with it that won't affect the appetite increases
I’m looking to build muscle. I'm 165 lb and 6ft 2in
I’m doing trenbolone and testosterone , 250mgs each
I’m 45, 5’10’’ 234
Would like to stack in a sarm too here
Maybe 2 sarms if you recommend it. Can you tell me which one you recommend?
I Read that sarms are really good for losing excess fat
Now i just need your help with this cycle
So far i got:
GW501516 20mgs a day
Nutrobal mk677 25mgs a day
What else should i add? Currently 265 pounds and 5’10’’. I got a long ways to go
I have some mental issues
For example sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night in a puddle of pee
After i smoked pot before bed. Lol
Or i lash out at others
For someone in my situation what would be a smart choice for using sarms
My stats are 22 years old. 5’10’’ and 145 pounds. I workout...
I'm looking to find pure sarms at a reasonable price
I’m 22 years old and on a budget
Do you think i can run a full sarms cycle and pct for under $250?
If so please give me a cycle that includes cardarine gw and ostarine mk2866
I want lean gains and lose fat
I’m 234 pounds and 5’11’’ .. need to...
Both me and my son are overweight we can barely go up a flight of stairs
He is 270, I am about 260. We both have around 25-30% body fat
He is 22, I am 44.
Please help us lose some fat with sarms
5’7’’ 170 .. have some room to bulk up i think. Currently 23 years odl
Which is better for bulking if you had to choose between lgd4033 and rad140?
I’m gonna finish the cycle off with increasing my food intake
I know these 2 seem kinda contrary. GW is more of a stim for fat loss and nutrobal is more of an appetite increaser for bulking only
But has anyone tried using both together? Seems like it could be interesting to try them.
I’m 23 years old. 6’1’’ 243 pounds
I’ve got a 20 week sarm cycle scheduled
Please Give me an honest critique
lgd 4033 10 weeks
cardarine GW 10 weeks
1 week off
Yk11 10 more weeks
S23 5 final weeks
I’m looking to lose fat and bulk up 2nd part of the cycle. I’m 205 pounds and skinny fat and tall
What are the best options for sarms if i want to build some lean mass and put on some weight in the process while also using gw cardarine?
I’m 28 years old
6’2’’ 232 pounds and 18% body fat
I want to use the GW as a base 30mgs a day
Then add in lgd4033 20mgs a day
Rad140 25mgs a day
Should i...
what is the best sarms run to do after a steroid cycle between these two choices:
lgd4033 + sr9009
RAD140 + Yk11
objective is to keep my gains
I just put on about 12 pounds on steroids, want to keep atleast 8 of those. I’m 202 pounds and 5’11’’. and 23 years old
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