Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #60 - Injecting Oral steroids, is it safe? - Euro Pharma
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #59 - Best Injection sites for beginners and advanced? - Euro Pharma
Evolutionary.org Hard 2.0 #58 - The best needle size for beginners? Injection guide - Euro Pharma
What is the best overall steroid you love for pure muscle mass.
I don't care about strength and I don't care about Aesthetics at all. I'm not a bodybuilder I just want to get big
5'6 and 170 lb I like to get up to 200 but look like an absolute tan
I'm 28 years old and I'm interested in trying...
what are the best supplements to use in between a steroid cycle
let's say I do 8 weeks of a steroid cycle than 4 weeks of a PCT
and then I do another cycle that is 4 weeks later. what do you take in that four weeks in between the post Cycle Therapy and your new cycle to keep your gains?
Currently 34 years old
3rd cycle
5’11’’ 159 pounds and lean. Probably 7-8% body fat
My stack plan is:
Equipoise 1000mgs a week
Testosterone enanthate 500mgs a week
Turinabol 50mgs a day
Anythign you should change?
what is the best sarms run to do after a steroid cycle between these two choices:
lgd4033 + sr9009
RAD140 + Yk11
objective is to keep my gains
I just put on about 12 pounds on steroids, want to keep atleast 8 of those. I’m 202 pounds and 5’11’’. and 23 years old
I’m debating between 2 steroid stacks
*deca durabolin + equipoise
*testosterone propionate and masteron enanthate
My goals are trial and error. Want to see how i react to the gear stacked
I’m 28, and 200 pounds
I’m looking for the next steroid to use but need some advice
30 years old I’m 6’2’’ and 150 pounds
Please don’t tell me to eat more. I’ve been eating more and the more i eat the more weight i lose
Already been to doctors and checked for stomach worms
I want to try testosterone 1000mgs /week...
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