My coach hooked me up with a fertility stack for steroid users
I had been on steroids for the past 2 years straight
Let me know what you think:
HCG 4000iu’s total per week
HMG 100iu’s 2x per week
CLOMID 50mgs a day for 7 weeks
I’m in my mid 30’s
I have a prescription for adderal and it took me going to several doctors to finally get it so I don't want to screw things up. I'm not telling my doctor that I want to use steroids so I want to ask you guys on here if it would be safe for me to stack them both together. please Don't lecture me...
Looking for some lean muscle mass and strength
My plan is trenbolone enanthate (should i use ace?), and then adding in equipoise
First 4 weeks tren E, 250mgs a week.
Then adding in EQ 500mgs a week and upping the tren to 400mgs
I’m 32 years old
5th cycle
210 pounds
Looking for 2 things
Mild stack
Strength stack
A lot of you have talked about anavar but not a fan of it, didn’t do a thing for me last time. And i don’t like dbol, too much water
So which steroids aside anavar would work
My current stats are a modest 5 ft 8 in 24 years old and I weigh 178 lb. a...
I wanted to touch base with everybody on here and see what kind of random cycle thoughts you guys had
So i was going to mix in equipoise, testosterone, and anavar in a cycle
But wasn’t sure if i should also do dbol also
Just experimenting with different steroids
5’10’’ and 230 pounds and 19% bf...
I’ve used steroids now for exactly 10 years
I am now 25 years old
I would peg my body as average to above average.
My stats are up to 185 pounds and 6’1’’
What if i were to stop using steroids cold turkey ? do you think i would be okay since i am so young?
I'm looking for something to do with my steroid cycle
I’m currently doing 350mgs a week of testosterone enanthate solo
I am getting too much bloat and want to change things up. I have a couple vials of equipoise. Can i just drop the test and run the EQ instead? I’m 4 weeks into cycle
5’9’’ and...
I’m looking to use tbol solo
Not sure on dosing there
Seems to be all over the place. I’ve seen as long as 5mgs a day up to 125mgs a day. doesn't make sense that the variation could be so large
but maybe it's because it's by body weight or something like that.
full disclosure I am a tiny guy and...
38 years old
5’9’’, 205. 16% bf
Want to bulk then cut down hard on this stack
First 8 weeks:
Test prop 200mgs
NPP 400mgs
Dianabol 20mgs a day
Next 8 weeks:
Winstrol 50mgs
Masteron propionate 500mgs per week
Primobolan 500mgs a week
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