Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #139- How to utilize Testosterone in a cycle by Pharmaqo
I’m 38 years old 5’11” and 210 lbs
I’m gonna set a goal to recomp.
I want to gain some lean mass and cut down body fat at the same time.
What would be your recommendation when it comes to recomping and dosing them?
Should I run the test and masteron at the same dose? Or should I run the masteron...
I’m 5’11” and I’m 28 years old
training for about 5 years and I’ve been using steroids for the past year
I know that Primo is one of those that you want to run a long time because it takes a long time to kick in
I’m looking to do it about 12 weeks.
What do you think about doing 500mgs of primo...
I’ve done deca once before, was pretty good but recovery took too long.
This time I want to run NPP to see if I recover faster. I want to do 10 weeks on it.
You think that 400 mg a week of it would be a good dose along with 500 mg of testosterone?
I would like to boost my appetite and strength...
I’m looking to do more lean gains on my next cycle
currently around 178 lbs and 5’7”
body fat somewhere in the low to mid-teens and I’m 40 years old
I wanted to do Primo and testosterone together for 12 weeks
what do you think about 500 mg of Primo and 250 mg of testosterone will I need an AI on...
I’m 28 years old and I’m looking to bulk up I’m 205 lbs and 6’4”
This will be my second cycle I’m looking to use testosterone and deca
my plan is 12 weeks and doing testosterone at around 400 mg a week and then stacking in Deca at around 300 mg a week\
what else would you recommend I use with...
So I went out with a girl and we had a really good date but at the end of the night I asked her out again and she said no and she said it was because she could sense I didn’t have high testosterone levels and she wants a real man
can you give me a supplement that I can start taking that will...
I’m 45 years old and I’m looking to do some more mild Cycles going forward
don’t like the side effects I experienced my last couple Cycles was dealing with high blood pressure insomnia and some dizziness which scared the crap out of me.
What do you think about doing 12 weeks of Primo 600 mg a...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #96 - Euro Pharma and the difference that testosterone levels make
Okay so I’m on a little dilemma situation. I’m 28 years old and currently stuck at 200 lbs and I’m 5’6” the problem is if I try to increase my body weight I’m also increasing my body fat and I don’t want to do that.
This is where steroids are going to help me I think.
I’m aiming to do some...
my next cycle I want to do a moderate bulker. I’m currently 175 lbs and I’m 5’7”
my goal is to get to 200 lbs and I’m 25 years old
I’m looking to do testosterone 1000 mg a week for 14 weeks
with the equipoise I’ve read many different types of dosing anywhere from 200 mg up to 1000 mg
what do you...
I’ve heard good things about using testosterone at 1000 milligrams a week when it comes to nitrogen sparing effects and also protein synthesis that would go up on a cycle like this.
My question is when it comes to muscle building is there anything better?
I’m thinking about doing this cycle for...
what’s up everybody I’m six foot two and I’m 170 pounds very lean but I have a lot more muscle on my frame than my stats will indicate.
I’m 38 years old and I trained around five or six times a week
I’m planning on mixing equipoise and testosterone in the same syringe and pinning 400 milligrams...
I’m looking to raise my testosterone levels with supplements
not interested in injecting anything or getting one of those creams so please don’t suggest that please listen to what I’m saying
natural supplements only
what are the ones that actually work I know that they exist out there but most...
I’m looking to use both Primo and testosterone together and I’m going to use the Enanthate esters for both. My thinking is doing at least 300 milligrams of each so I can get some good lean muscle mass improvements.
With 12 weeks be good enough on a cycle like this or should I push it to 14...
37 years old and I’m five foot 11 ...218 pounds
looking to put on some lean muscle mass
so right now I have testosterone, equipoise and primo.
These are my three basic steroids that I plan to use as my injectables and run for 12 weeks
I’m going to do 250 to 300 milligrams of each per week so...
I’m looking to put on five or ten pounds and do a moderate bulk. I don’t want to do anything to drastic that will cause me to really gain a lot of weight fast.
I’m 25 years old and this will be the second time I’ve tried steroids the last cycle I put on about 20 pounds and I had really bad...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #66 - How to hijack your Testosterone Levels? Euro Pharma Part 2
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