Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #65 - How to hijack your Testosterone Levels? Euro Pharma Part 1
I’m looking to run testosterone enanthate on my next cycle. Looking to do 500mgs a week and some tbol with it.
How much tbol would be My appropriate for someone who’s 26 years old and this is only my second cycle.
I’m looking to put on lean muscle mass, I’m 5 foot 10 and 202 pounds
I’m interested in using turinabol and testosterone.
Heard both of these would be good for a newbie.
I’m five foot 11
216 pounds and I’m 35 years old
what would be the best dosage for a first cycle?
Some dude told me I should get on dbol and test. He said I was too scrawny and needed to get bigger.
I’m 6’2’’ 164 pounds and lean
how would you run them together?
Should I do it like this:
50mgs a day dbol
1000mgs testosterone
or should I do less dosage?
I’m 23 years old and been training for...
I’m looking to cut down and maybe do a little bit of a recom, but I also don’t want to lose my strength.
I’m 33 years old. I’m currently benching over 300 pounds. I weigh 180 pounds and I’m 5 foot 8 inches.
My question is about how much testosterone and how much Winstrol to use the dosing is...
A lot of talk on here about tren and testosterone. But I wanted to try something a little bit different than the norm
I’m looking for a stack of NPP 200mgs 2x per week and winstrol 25mgs per day (4 weeks then upping it to 50mgs for the last 4 weeks)
I’m looking for lean muscle mass and...
I'm 22 years old and a couple years ago a friend of mine introduced me to performance enhancing steroids
6 months later i was Placing first and second in bodybuilding competitions
it made me feel good and it boosted my confidence because I had a lot of insecurities growing up
the problem during...
I've done a few cycles of sarms and now I feel like I'm ready for anabolic steroids for the first time
I'm 27 years old and I'm currently 190 lb and 5 ft 10 in
my plan is to do 400 mg a week of testosterone with full AI, cycle support and pct
My question is do you think i can recomp on this? I...
I noticed some of you on here like to jump down peoples throats. Some of the mods are cool, but some aren’t so cool. I’m sure everyone knows who i am talking about lol
My plan is To blast and cruise for the next year and a half. I'm going to be completely dedicated to my training and diet
I'm 24...
So there are a lot of options that I could go with for a second cycle
The first time i used steroids i did just testosterone 750mgs a week
Good results, but too much bloat
I would like to get good results but don't want any water retention this time. What would you suggest for me for a 2nd cycle...
I have an issue where I have a lot of water retention when I take testosterone
before I have done 300 mg of it and it's been a disaster
I also tend to get a lot of sugar cravings on testosterone as well which hurts my physique
this time I am thinking of doing only 125 mg of testosterone and then...
was wondering how much weight I can put on just running testosterone as a first cycle
a friend of mine did it and he didn't put on that much weight and he said that he should have ran more things
I'm 23 years old and I am 5'11 and I'm 155 lb and I want to gain more size
My plan was 500mgs a week...
28 years old, 3rd cycle. Want to try something new
I'm getting a lot of conflicting information on using testosterone propionate
this is not the first time I have used testosterone but I've never tried the shorter Ester version
I have heard some pros and cons. some people say that it's good...
I saw a product called Tren75. Now obviously i know its not really tren but what the heck is this stuff?
A 3rd party vendor on walmart sells it lol. You are supposed to take 3 caps a day and its supposed to help build muscle.
I’m looking for the next steroid to use but need some advice
30 years old I’m 6’2’’ and 150 pounds
Please don’t tell me to eat more. I’ve been eating more and the more i eat the more weight i lose
Already been to doctors and checked for stomach worms
I want to try testosterone 1000mgs /week...
34 years old
6’2’’ 210 pounds and 15%
Here is what i want to run:
Trenbolone enanthate. 250mgs a week (2nd time using)
Testosterone propionate 50mgs per day
My question is which steroid should i add here?
I want to recomp
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