here is a physique competition cycle I wanted to try out
currently 8% body fat. Need to get to 6 or 7%
188 pounds, need to get to 180 or less
36 years old
12 weeks pre contest
1000mgs equipoise
500mgs tren ace
200mgs test prop
1000mgs masteron prop last 4 weeks before competition
anything you...
I’m currently five foot eight and 187 pounds of body fat is around 13% I am muscular but I need to lose some body fat to really pop out those muscles to show size
that is why I want to try tren and masteron
I’m 44 years old
training 5 days a week
what dose of tren and masteron would work best...
I'm 48 years old and I am 5'11 and 217 lb
I have been training for the past 20 years and have used steroids for only 5 years of that
took a break for a while and then now coming back and really want to tighten up my physique
I’m looking at 2 stacks and not sure which one to choose
Equipoise +...
I'm looking for the ultimate body. Gonna use tren, test and hgh all together
What are the best options for doing them together?
I’ve got 250mgs tren, 200mgs test and 4iu’s hgh planned
But i am open to hearing some more opinions.
Quite simply I want to look good naked
I'm currently 228 lb 17%...
I'm 75 Kg which is low from my height over 6 ft tall and I am 28 years old and I have been training for the past 5 years
wondering if you can suggest a couple good cycles that I could look at for the next couple years
Looking to wade into using tren
I’ve already done some test, winstrol, and...
48 years old, using steroids for 12 years off and on. Last 4 years have run maybe 1 or 2 cycles only
215 pounds and 6’6’’
Was interested in trying a more conservative cycle because I would like to grow old without having issues
Having said that i’m very interested in doing the 3 stack recomper...
I’m leaning towards using trenbolone acetate for my first time
I wanted to combine it with testosterone but wasn’t sure exactly how to implement it
I’m 28
188 pounds
How much caber do i need with it?
Should i also include more steroids like anavar or equipoise?
My goals are lean muscle...
Hey everyone
So i have A little bit of a dilemma. First off i am using trenbolone and knew going into it i would have sides. But my last tren cycle it wasn’t THIS bad. I’m using 400mgs of tren, 200mgs of testosterone enanthate and then stacking in some winstrol 25mgs a day too
I’m a monster in...
Looking for some lean muscle mass and strength
My plan is trenbolone enanthate (should i use ace?), and then adding in equipoise
First 4 weeks tren E, 250mgs a week.
Then adding in EQ 500mgs a week and upping the tren to 400mgs
I’m 32 years old
5th cycle
210 pounds
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