what are the best ways to run winstrol if you were to use it to finish the cycle I am currently on.
25 years old and 205 pounds with 12% body fat.
Currently doing tren+ test + anavar.
I’m on 225mgs tren, 200mgs test and 50mgs a day var. 6 weeks. I want to drop off the var and use winstrol rest...
heard a lot of MMA people are getting into steroids. I know that things like cheque drops and halo are most popular. I plan on using these but in the future. In the meantime I would love to take something to help me gain strength and stay lean at the same time.
I’m a hundred seventy pounds and...
I’m in my mid 30’s and trying to gain some more muscle mass and harden up
a recomp would be good but I would rather do a dry bulker. My stats are 5’10’’ and 207 pounds with 14% body fat
If you were to add proviron to a steroid stack would that be the best option
I’m hoping to get a boost in the...
I was reading some opinions online and they were talking about the similarities between using yk11 and winstrol
some people were even stacking them together but that’s not the route I want to go
let’s say I just did yk11 for 12 weeks
with five milligrams be sufficient or do you...
Hello all. 57 years old
5’7’’ and 178 pounds
around 16% body fat
I purchased 200 tabs of winstrol and they are 50mgs each
I have enough for 200 days at 50mgs a day
how should I stack equipoise and testosterone in this cycle for cutting?
I’m looking to cut down and maybe do a little bit of a recom, but I also don’t want to lose my strength.
I’m 33 years old. I’m currently benching over 300 pounds. I weigh 180 pounds and I’m 5 foot 8 inches.
My question is about how much testosterone and how much Winstrol to use the dosing is...
A lot of talk on here about tren and testosterone. But I wanted to try something a little bit different than the norm
I’m looking for a stack of NPP 200mgs 2x per week and winstrol 25mgs per day (4 weeks then upping it to 50mgs for the last 4 weeks)
I’m looking for lean muscle mass and...
Has anyone tried halodrol pro hormone with other oral anabolic steroids like halotestin, winstrol or anavar or would that be a waste of time?
I’ve got some leftover pro hormones that i found and would hate for them to go to waste. Not sure if they would benefit me or not
Looking to do an 8 week...
Looking to stack 2 orals and 1 injectable
My plan is winstrol and anavar on my 12 weeks cycle
But i know i shouldn’t run them the whole time
Would it be better to use the winstrol to start and anavar to finish? Or vice versa?
I’m doing a practice run for a show prep. I’m 170lbs and 9% body fat...
I'm 75 Kg which is low from my height over 6 ft tall and I am 28 years old and I have been training for the past 5 years
wondering if you can suggest a couple good cycles that I could look at for the next couple years
Looking to wade into using tren
I’ve already done some test, winstrol, and...
What are the differences between superdrol and winstrol when it comes to effects?
With winstrol if i did 50mgs a day for example for 8 weeks. What would be the comparison with superdrol at 25mgs a day for 4 weeks
just wondering about your experiences with both because they both are ones that I...
Thank you very much for allowing me to post on this amazing forum first off
I'm currently benching 245 lb. I would like to get up over 300 at some point
I know that it won't happen overnight but steroids can definitely help me right?
My stack i was interested in was winstrol, anavar, and/or...
Hey everyone
So i have A little bit of a dilemma. First off i am using trenbolone and knew going into it i would have sides. But my last tren cycle it wasn’t THIS bad. I’m using 400mgs of tren, 200mgs of testosterone enanthate and then stacking in some winstrol 25mgs a day too
I’m a monster in...
What do you think about mixing equipoise and winstrol in the same cycle?
Do you think it would be a good one for lean bulking if i want to put on like 5-10 pounds that way?
I’m currently 5’9’’ and 203 pounds with 18% body fat
I’m 49 years old
Haven’t used steroids in about 3 years but before i...
Looking to add either masteron or winstrol as my finisher
I’m doing trenbolone + testosterone for 8 weeks
Tren ace 300mgs a week
Test prop 400mgs a week
Then finisher with mast or winny
I have a photo shoot coming up
6’2’’ 176 pounds 11% body fat and 25
I’m looking to shred up from here and get super lean. I want to Achieve a nice beach body
I’m 12% body fat. Want to get to 8%
6’1’’ and 202 pounds
33 years old
Trenbolone enanthate 250mgs a week
Winstrol 50mgs a day
Masteron enanthate 500mgs a week
Do you recommend I do a lot of intermittent...
I’m 43 years old
5’8’’ 184 pounds
I’m looking to try tren a weird way
Gonna do 5 weeks of tren ace 200mgs a week with anavar 40mgs a day
Then take 3 weeks off tren, then go back on for 5 more weeks and use winstrol with it?
Would this strategy work if i wanted to make more gains towards the end...
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