I’m 60 years old and I’m looking to get in better shape after my wife just passed away
she had a long sickness and it really took a toll on me both physically and mentally
I need to move on and I would like to try sarms to help me improve better in the gym
I’m currently 148 lbs and I’m 5’11”...
I’m 38 years old and looking to cut down on my next sarms cycle.
The sarms I want to use are sr9009 and gw501516.
What are going to be the best options for me to use between the 2?
I’m currently about 280 lbs and I would like to cut down about 30 or 40 lbs going forward
currently finishing up my sarms cycle and I need to get ready for my next one.
My current cycle is GW 501516 and sr9009. I was able to boost my endurance but I didn’t put on much strength or muscle on this stack.
Next one I want to put on more muscle but I want to keep the GW. Do you think I...
21 years old and I’m 5’7” 158 lbs
I’m going to be putting together a sarms bulking stack.
The 3 sarms I had in mind:
s4 andarine 50mgs a day
s23 25mgs a day
ostarine mk2866 20mgs a day.
Gonna be doing 3000+ calories per day and 250g protein +
Any tricks to getting the most out of this stack?
I’m 6’4” 185 lbs I have a thin build
legs have always been skinny I don’t think that I can ever get thick legs but I would like to build more lean muscle mass on my frame
I’m 35 years old
which sarms would you recommend that I use along with 4 meals a day and 3400 calories per day?
I’m going through a mid life crisis. I just left my wife and kids because I got tired of being a father and tired of being a husband and I didn’t want to do it anymore.
Decided to go on my own and do my own thing and be independent.
One of the things I’ve gotten into is weight training and this...
I’m diving headfirst into pilates and yoga to build more core strength post training injury. I basically injured myself on deadlifts, tore some muscles in the process. Had to take time away. Doctor says to switch to pilates and yoga to build more core strength. Its fun but much more challenging...
I’m looking to get your advice on using sarms for lean muscle mass.
I don’t want to look like a big meathead at all, And I don’t want anyone suspecting that I’m taking anything if that makes sense.
The 2 sarms I am targeting through my research are lgd4033 and s4/andarine. Seems like these are...
I am really excited about my next sarm cycle
I’m 25 years old and I’m 5’10” 198 lbs and my goal is to gain about 5 or 10 lbs while also cutting down body fat
I’ve got a good athletic physique but I definitely would like to get more pronounced with how I look
the 3 sarms I was looking at were...
I’m 5’7” 178 lbs and I’m 12% body fat
not looking to put on sloppy weight but would like to add some size and hopefully drop some body fat along the way.
And at the end of the day my sarms stack is gonna look like this:
only issue I have is the dosing. Was thinking 15mgs...
Goal is lean mass and better endurance I’m currently 150 lbs and I’m 26 years old
I’m looking to use sarms and I’m looking to stack lgd 4033 and S4 together
a friend recommended I do 25 mg of each twice per day and then I follow that up with some gw501516 for another 8 weeks after the initial 12...
Right now my heart markers look like this:
total cholesterol 330
HDL is low
LDL is high
blood pressure is 155/98.
Is it true that sarms can actually help with your heart health or is that just bro science?
I’m 240 lbs and around 6 ft tall and I’ve probably around 22% body fat.
If sarms can...
I don’t have necessarily a particular goal but I just would like to get better in the gym
I’m looking for something that can really push me to improve and get me more gains and more strength
what would be a good sarms mix that I can put together to help with that?
I’m 21 years old and I’ve been...
I’m looking to increase my Endurance on sarms
I know that sr9009 is very popular for this should I be using it pre-workout at 25 mg a day or should I be switching to something else instead?
I trust you guys to give me some good advice on this
I’m 218 lbs and I’m 5’11” and I would like to get...
a friend of mine used sarms and he kept his diet the same
daily pizza and fast food.
Dude still managed to get jacked on sarms. I couldn’t really understand all his jargon but I remember him saying he used s23 and gw cardarine. I wrote those 2 names down.
I want to do the same as him. Same diet...
goals are lean gains and lean bulking.
6 ft tall 205 lbs and about 15% body fat and I’ve been training for the past 3 years
I’m 22 years old
looking to leave out some sarms this time and swap in:
rad140 20mgs a day
lgd4033 10mgs a day
ostarine 25mgs a day
12 week cycle !
looking to get some good benefits from ipamorelin. Going to be doing 200-250 mcg per day and I’m 40 years old and I’m about 225 lbs.
What do you suggest that I stack with it I’m looking to get some better results when it comes to recovery and bodybuilding changes.
I’m 48 years old and I’m about...
What do you think about using tb500 for the next 12 weeks and going 5 mg a week total and splitting up the dose into three injections?
I’m trying to speed up my recovery and I have a bunch of nagging injuries all over my body that are not healing up as fast as I would like
40 years old and I’m currently working out around 3 or 4 times a week and I’m 185 lbs
I’m looking to get some guidance on using a recomp sarm cycle
the three sarms I was looking to use are:
gw501516 20mgs a day
nutrobal677 20mgs a day before bed
sr9009 25mgs a day
how long should I use them...
I’m currently 38 years old and I’m looking to get in best shape of my life with the help of sarms
got 3 sarms I want to use on my next cycle
lgd4033 20mgs a day
s4/andarine 25mgs a day
sr9009 30mgs a day
12 weeks total.
Tell me you’re honest opinion
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