Right now my heart markers look like this:
total cholesterol 330
HDL is low
LDL is high
blood pressure is 155/98.
Is it true that sarms can actually help with your heart health or is that just bro science?
I’m 240 lbs and around 6 ft tall and I’ve probably around 22% body fat.
If sarms can...
I don’t have necessarily a particular goal but I just would like to get better in the gym
I’m looking for something that can really push me to improve and get me more gains and more strength
what would be a good sarms mix that I can put together to help with that?
I’m 21 years old and I’ve been...
I’m looking to increase my Endurance on sarms
I know that sr9009 is very popular for this should I be using it pre-workout at 25 mg a day or should I be switching to something else instead?
I trust you guys to give me some good advice on this
I’m 218 lbs and I’m 5’11” and I would like to get...
a friend of mine used sarms and he kept his diet the same
daily pizza and fast food.
Dude still managed to get jacked on sarms. I couldn’t really understand all his jargon but I remember him saying he used s23 and gw cardarine. I wrote those 2 names down.
I want to do the same as him. Same diet...
goals are lean gains and lean bulking.
6 ft tall 205 lbs and about 15% body fat and I’ve been training for the past 3 years
I’m 22 years old
looking to leave out some sarms this time and swap in:
rad140 20mgs a day
lgd4033 10mgs a day
ostarine 25mgs a day
12 week cycle !
looking to get some good benefits from ipamorelin. Going to be doing 200-250 mcg per day and I’m 40 years old and I’m about 225 lbs.
What do you suggest that I stack with it I’m looking to get some better results when it comes to recovery and bodybuilding changes.
I’m 48 years old and I’m about...
What do you think about using tb500 for the next 12 weeks and going 5 mg a week total and splitting up the dose into three injections?
I’m trying to speed up my recovery and I have a bunch of nagging injuries all over my body that are not healing up as fast as I would like
40 years old and I’m currently working out around 3 or 4 times a week and I’m 185 lbs
I’m looking to get some guidance on using a recomp sarm cycle
the three sarms I was looking to use are:
gw501516 20mgs a day
nutrobal677 20mgs a day before bed
sr9009 25mgs a day
how long should I use them...
I’m currently 38 years old and I’m looking to get in best shape of my life with the help of sarms
got 3 sarms I want to use on my next cycle
lgd4033 20mgs a day
s4/andarine 25mgs a day
sr9009 30mgs a day
12 weeks total.
Tell me you’re honest opinion
what are going to be the best sarms that I can start taking for hard gainers?
I’m 148 lbs and I eat around 4000 calories a day but it just doesn’t seem like I can gain anything. I’m 22 years old and I’ve been even increasing my protein up to 250 g per day or more
would yk11 and nutrobal mk677 be...
looking for some honest feedback when it comes to cutting on sarms to get some motivation.
Currently in my 50’s and losing weight gets harder as I get older.
Its a pain lol
I’m 230 pounds and 20% body fat.
My thought is gw501516 cardarine. Exercise in a bottle !! This one seems like the real...
I’m on gw501516 and its been 20 weeks on this stuff. I’m getting good fat loss benefits but most of all my endurance has been fantastic.
I’m like the Energizer Bunny in the gym and I never want to stop and also my cardio just keeps going and going.
Is there a limit to how long you’re allowed to...
I’m looking to cut up a little bit on sarms
the three sarms I’m looking to use:
rad140 20mgs a day
sr9009 20mgs a day
yk11 15mgs a day
this is going to be a 12-week cycle and then I’m going to do a 4-week post cycle Therapy.
Gonna use some clomid for that and some fadogia.
Is this a good setup...
44 years old and 180 lbs
I’m looking to do some half marathons in triathlons this fall
needs some help picking the right sarm Cycles ahead of it and then for right ahead of doing it
I know there are some good sarms to use:
ostarine mk2866
what else would you recommend and how...
I’m gonna be using tesamorelin for the first time. I’m gonna be doing 1mg and inject it into my stomach fat and also into my pecs. My goal is fat loss. I’m 230 pounds and overweight. I mostly doing IIFYM and its worked so far. I’m down about 8 pounds but still around 25% body fat.
Hoping this...
currently 248 lbs and around 25% body fat in 29 years old
I’m 10 weeks into the current cycle and I’m doing s4/andarine 50mgs a day and some gw501516 at 20mgs a day.
These are standard dosing and I’m getting very standard results I’m not quite there with what I was expecting on this cycle.
I command you to lend me some advice with sarms.
My cycle I want to do is 20mgs of GW501516 for 20 weeks. Then I want to switch to sr9009 for another 15 weeks.
My goal is fat loss. Anyone try this before?
I’m currently 330 lbs and I’m around 25% or 30% body fat I don’t know which.
Definitely a...
So I have a vacation coming up and I really need to get on the ball immediately. We’d like to take something to really give me a nice beach body look as I will be going to a resort in Mexico and it will be a lot of potential ass at my disposal. Looking to get a nice six pack and trim up while...
a friend of mine let me borrow some of his S4 and you’re supposed to drink this stuff it tastes horrible by the way I don’t know how you guys use this because I feel nauseous after drinking it.
Anyway I’ve been dealing with a lot of vision issues on it and it really sucks because I like to go...
I figured there were 3 ways of using sarms. You have the right way that a lot of you recommend on here that are self proclaimed gurus, the wrong way as most people think, and the way that I do it which is probably the best option.
Example. A lot of people say to use GW501516 20mgs a day, for me...
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