I’m looking to put together a couple good sarms that I can use on a lean bulk
the sarms I was most interested in are:
not sure which ones I should use in my situation.
I’m training five times a week and I’m doing both cardio and weight training.
I’m 22 years old. 156 pounds and 6’1’’
I did s23 25mgs a day and I did some s4 with it 150mgs a day
I’m a hard Gainer so putting on six pounds was amazing on this cycle I did for six weeks.
But when I came off I lost all of it.
need some advice on a previous cycle so I don’t repeat the same...
I’m interested in using both lgd and ostarine
these are 2 sarms that I would like to try
ostarine 25mgs a day is my plan, but not sure how much lgd4033 I should use?
A bit about me: goals are to get better at sports and lift more weights.
6’3’’ 217 pounds and around 15-20% body fat average build
21 years old , 5’9’’ 177 pounds.
and decided to go with the Tony Huge strength sarms stack. It involves s23 50mgs a day for 12 weeks. He said that would be the best thing to run cause its close to using steroids but not using steroids. He said it was okay for someone my age to use it. Problem is...
Hello beautiful people out there. My name is Carl and I’m 58 years old. Found this forum and been reading, wanted to put up a thread to get some feedback. I’m 5’8’’ and 175 pounds.
looking to do a simple sarms cutting stack
the sarms I want to use are gw501516 and ostarine mk2866.
My plan is...
21 years old
training for 6 years
did lots of sports in high school.
I’m all about setting goals.
Would like to do it myself and use gw501516 at 50mgs a day for 12 weeks
what would be the results that I should be shooting for on the cycle like this?
Also what do you need to run during pct to...
Planning my tb500 cycle. Already ordered two months worth of it but now I’m hearing that you’re supposed to stack it for best results so now I’m confused.
Originally I was under the impression that running it solo at one milligram per day would be a good enough dose to get good recovery and...
I’m 55 years old and I’m looking to do something to help heal me up really good
I’m a former hockey player and I have lots of different injuries all over my body
weight training has definitely taken a toll.
My strategy for using bpc157 is injecting directly into my injuries and doing 250mcg per...
I’ve been on lgd4033 20mgs a day for the past 8 weeks. Not seeing enough changes to my physique so far. It should I just finish out the cycle and then take a break and then try sarms again or should I add something else to it maybe rad140 another 4 weeks?
I’m 5’8’’ 145 pounds. I’m eating 3000+...
six foot one athletic and I’m about 180 pounds.
I do all kinds of sports and I like to work out almost every day not just weight training but also cardio and swimming as well.
looking to use ostarine mk2866 properly. My main objective is to run it 25mgs a day for 10 weeks.
Want to use it where I...
I’m a six-foot tall 178 pounds and 9% body fat dude.
I love sarms but I am sort of bored after a few cycles using them. So far I have used lgd4033 and gw501516, used them solo and then used them a couple times stacked.
I’m looking to try something a little different to give me more action and...
I’ve been on trt for the past year and I’m doing around 200 milligrams a week
what are gonna be the best sarms that I can start using with it
was looking at maybe some lgd4033 and cardarine gw but I’m not sure.
I just do 20 milligrams of those each and then add it to my trt or do I need to drop...
I’m looking to GROW more.
I’m five foot six and 176 pounds would like to put on some size
perhaps get up to 200 pounds and the next couple months
read good things about follistatin 344 and I think I will try it at 100mcg per day for 20 days then cycle off 15 days then go back on for another 20...
Looking for a top 3 list
which would you say are:
1. the best 3 sarms for cutting overall
2. the best 3 sarms for bulking overall?
What success have you used using them yourself can you give me some examples of cycles that you would categorize as your favorites that you’ve done
I’m looking to do...
Baboon pharma steroids , HCG , SARMS all kinds 50% off(HGH not included) . Buy ONE get ONE FREE all kinds available(HGH included).
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It’s a buddy of mine I haven’t seen in a couple months came up to me the other day and I was shocked because he looked like he had bulked up a lot and asked him what he was using and he said sarms.
I was really surprised and shocked that he had put on so much size and it was all so very lean...
I’m looking to use SR and GW for straight cutting on my next sarms run. 28 years old and 266 pounds.
Not in the best shape and don’t have my diet quite on point yet. Plan on listening to the podcasts and learning more on nutrition, already digging into them now.
25mgs of SR and 20mgs of GW per...
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