Monday March 18 2024
I want to open by saying how stand up
@ugfreak really is! I explained my issues and what was happening in dms with UGF, not only did he offer solutions to try and help me as best he could taking time out of his day for me.
He also offered a full replacement of my testosterone free of charge no questions asked at all! That is one hell of stand up person going above and beyond for me to ensure I have a successful cycle!
I have test e 250 on the way from UGF
This is one of the many reasons why I go with a A+++ source like UGF the guy truly goes above on every level to take care of customers and people!
Not only is para pharma my go to brand, UGF is my go to source for things like this, he could have easily said your issue your problem should gotten different test, he didn't say that or do that, he said what can I do to help you!
I just wanted to share that publicly to let everyone know when you use UGF this is the type of service and help you get absolutely incredible and rare to see!!
I fucked up and he fixed my mistake and didn't even charge me to fix it which he had every right to do and I was fully ready to pay for it to replace the test out of my pocket for my mistake.
I owe him a huge thank you for everything and how kind he always is when we talk to one another, he'll of guy UGF is.
I'm waiting on an international order which was shipped out the same day I ordered it by the way, in the next few weeks time I should have the order in my po box.
Onto bigger and better outcomes this time around! An to do this cycle right for myself the community and for UGF!
After what felt like forever being away from my log I am back in the mix and ready to get back at it. I am finally feeling better and everything that was going on has cleared up completely.
I stopped everything completely for weeks, so I feel like crap which is to be expected, we got past it and now it's time to get back on the wagon and get to work, I apologize if my lifts are down and my cardio isn't on par as I get uses to training again, we will be back full tilt in no time!
So I have completely changed around the cycle layout only for the first few weeks so I can get comfortable again with injections, an start slower see how my body reacts.
Here is the lay out
300mg test weeks 1-16
20mg tbol week 1(weeks 2-5 40mg tbol )
Primo weeks 1-3 200mg (weeks 4-16 400mg)
EQ weeks 3-16 300mg
decided we would do this a bit differently the second time around after learning a valuable lesson the first time around.
We are fully going back to basics for these 15 weeks keeping it simple.
Veggies every meal sweet potatoe with two meals everyday and lean ground turkey and lean ground beef for my main protein sources for every meal, I don't care to switch it up, I care about results and getting as lean and as cut as possible for this cycle, hassle free is my goal and going back to what has worked in the past.
Shooting for 2000-2100 calories a day
200g protein, 100-160g carbs, 50-60g of fat lower or higher depending on how it works out.
Sorry for the long delay in updates, I will be back in the gym this week Wednesday through Sunday.
I also picked up some GW and SR for a boost in endurance and cardio to give me a bit of an edge on my road back into the gym and my cycle to get me right on track while I wait for the other compounds of my cycle to kick in. This should help kick my endurance up a notch when first starting back into the swing of things.
Enjoy the update everyone!