ceo Meso VIP Navy Today at 6:38 PM #1,162 bros its good to see you on the pullups. i'm lucky to do a few myself.
ROIDDERS Meso VIP Army Today at 6:45 PM #1,163 all big dudes should do pullups they have a lot of benefits
chesty Bodybuilder Navy Today at 6:52 PM #1,164 mobster i am glad you are doing these. how about some pushups too?
Ulter Meso VIP Gold Today at 6:57 PM #1,165 takes very strong back to hit the pullups at your size. shows what kind of dedication you got!
E2 Meso VIP Platinum 59 minutes ago #1,166 you always want to hit the back and arms hard. why not do the pullups
Vadim Fedorov Support Ukraine Ruby 45 minutes ago #1,168 very impressive hitting these. not easy at all !
W wootoom Vet Moderator Moderator Ruby 40 minutes ago #1,169 pullups are a great way to build core strength too.